Wir möchten allen Teilnehmern unseres Kurses die Möglichkeit bieten, sich fachübergreifend weiterzubilden. Ein selbstbewusstes, sympathisches Auftreten sollte dabei nicht fehlen.
We want to encourage trained lecturers with expertise in those who represent us to potential customers.
In this course you will learn to handle typical situations in your job and use English as an international means of communication.
The objective of the course is to competently and confidently use English as a lingua franca.
The participants will improve their command of English in all four relevant skills: speaking, listening comprehension, reading comprehension and writing. Participations will also be certified by a certificate.
We will take care of the fee for the participation per student after successful completion of the training.
- Introducing yourself
- Taking care of visitors
- Telephoning
- Making arrangements
- Making presentations
- Written communication
- Enquiries
- Transport and logistics
- Payment and reminders
- Complaints and adjustments